Using django-postgres-metrics

Django Admin Integration

When you now browse to the Django Admin with superuser permissions, you’ll see a “PostgreSQL Metrics” section at the bottom left, listing all available metrics.

This is what a metric could look like:

Screenshot of the "Detailed Index Usage" metric, with help text, and a table with rows for each index

Command Line Interface

While the Django Admin is often installed and used by many, there are numerous projects that do not use it. For them, django-postgres-metrics 0.13 brings a few management commands that provide the same information.


This command lists all available metrics.

$ ./ pgm_list_metrics
┃ Slug                 ┃ Label                ┃ Description                                                                   ┃
│ available-extensions │ Available Extensions │ PostgreSQL can be extended by installing extensions with the CREATE           │
│                      │                      │ EXTENSION command. The list of available extensions on each database is       │
│                      │                      │ shown below.                                                                  │
│ cache-hits           │ Cache Hits           │ The typical rule for most applications is that only a fraction of its data    │
│                      │                      │ is regularly accessed. As with many other things data can tend to follow      │
│                      │                      │ the 80/20 rule with 20% of your data accounting for 80% of the reads and      │


This command shows the metric’s data. The command expects the slug from the pgm_list_metrics command output as the first argument.

$ ./ pgm_show_metric available-extensions
                                                default (user=someuser dbname=somedb)
┃ name               ┃ default version ┃ installed version ┃ comment                                                                ┃
│ adminpack          │ 2.1             │ None              │ administrative functions for PostgreSQL                                │
│ amcheck            │ 1.2             │ None              │ functions for verifying relation integrity                             │
│ autoinc            │ 1.0             │ None              │ functions for autoincrementing fields                                  │
│ xml2               │ 1.1             │ None              │ XPath querying and XSLT                                                │
                                               second (user=otheruser dbname=otherdb)
┃ name               ┃ default version ┃ installed version ┃ comment                                                                ┃
│ adminpack          │ 2.1             │ None              │ administrative functions for PostgreSQL                                │
│ amcheck            │ 1.2             │ None              │ functions for verifying relation integrity                             │
│ autoinc            │ 1.0             │ None              │ functions for autoincrementing fields                                  │
│ xml2               │ 1.1             │ None              │ XPath querying and XSLT                                                │