===================== Issuing a new Release ===================== * Install ``bumpversion`` with:: $ pip install git+ssh://git@github.com:MarkusH/bumpversion.git@sign#egg=bumpversion * Install ``twine`` with:: $ pip install twine * Determine next version number from the ``changelog.rst`` (ensuring to follow `SemVer `_) * Ensure ``changelog.rst`` is representative with new version number and commit possible changes. * Update the version number with ``bumpversion``:: $ bumpversion $part (instead of ``$part`` you can use ``major``, ``minor``, or ``patch``. * ``git push --tags origin master`` * Check for TravisCI to complete. If TravisCI fails due to code errors, go back to the start and bump the ``$part`` with ``patch`` * Build artifacts with:: $ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel * Upload artifacts with:: $ twine upload -s dist/laterpay*$newver* * Add likely new version to at the top of ``changelog.rst``